Friday, February 08, 2008

Justin Case

I doubt anybody's been keeping up, but here's what happened. Ifn you want details, check my tweets.

SWMBO got a new job in Scottsdale, AZ. We moved over to MIL/FIL's place at ChristmaKwanzaaChannuka. I drove a U-haul with the insides of our house, and HerOutdoors drover the kids.

Once we settled down, we bought MIL/FIL's house and they are moving northwards. The sale closed this week, so it's now officially owned by our bank.

Its a lovely big house with 12' high walls, 4 toilets (inside) and a big back garden (outside). Once I find my camera-USB cable I'll get pics uploaded.

Transport is an issue, and SWMBO takes the car, so I hafta borrow MIL's to go out. Starbucks is 3 miles away. Can you believe that?

New Desert Colour Scheme.

Do you like it? Now that we are in Arizona, I needed a more appropriate colouer scheme.

And, one of these days, pics of the house we just bought. My first hoose!